Category: Math

Book Corner, Math, Teaching Ideas & Inspiration, Writing

Extension Activities for The Wild Robot

The Wild Robot is a modern day tale of a robot that becomes stranded in the wild after an accident. This story is making it’s way across classrooms and into children’s lives, and with good reason.  It’s a captivating comparison of technology and the natural world.  As with all reading materials, they begin to take on more meaning when kids are able to apply what they’ve read in their lives and lessons.  That’s why I’ve created this cross curricular extension activity package.  It combines geometry and paragraph writing.  Keep reading to get a peak into how you can use extension activities for The Wild Robot. 2D Shapes The first part of this package asks kidsContinue reading

Three fun card games that teach students shape recognition. Polygon War, Memory Game, and Shape Dominoes.
Centers, Games, Math, Teaching Ideas & Inspiration

PolyGames – Polygon Card Games

How do I say this politely…. I suck at Math :D.  I have all of my life.  So, whenever it comes to teaching Math to my students, I try my best to think of ways to make it fun, creative and overall something to look forward to.  I don’t want kids to feel the way I did whenever Math period approached.  Let’s make our Math lessons something to cheer about, so that kids don’t get lost in the tough concepts.  To start, check out my idea for polygon card games called PolyGames!  Here’s a look:   Here is a closer look at each game: Polygon War This is a twist on the original card gameContinue reading

This fun math craft, will have you reusing everyday household waste, while creating a memorable learning experience for kids!
Crafts & DIY, Earth Day, Math, Teaching Ideas & Inspiration

NumberBot Craft

If you follow me on instagram, you know I love taking everyday waste items and turning them into something purposeful.  That’s how this craft came about.  I saw I had an empty pasta box and a bare paper towel roll.  The shape of the box immediately made me think of some kind of robot, and numberbot was born!  His food of choice? Numbers! When he’s full, take the numbers out and add them, sort them, create a pattern… whatever you want! Here are the steps to create your own numberbot. Step 1 – Materials You’ll need: an empty box with a see-through window a paper towel roll paint straws or pipe-cleaners glue/tape scissors Step 2: PrepareContinue reading

Fractions, Math, Teaching Ideas & Inspiration, Writing

Fraction Activity – The Best Parts of Me

Whether you’re looking for a fun fractions activity or looking to build your students’ self-esteem, look no further :D.  I’ve got a cross-curricular fractions activity that will get your students practicing both their math and writing skills.  Oh, and it’s a super-hero themed activity to boot. The package includes an introductory brainstorming page.  This is where students are meant to think about their greatest qualities, and list them: Next, students begin drawing out their superhero image, and label a fractioned circle: These superheroes would be great as a way to decorate a bulletin board.  Either cut out the superhero figures, or clue the page onto a construction paper backing.  The package also includes clipart images,Continue reading

A great list of winter math activities you must try. Let's incorporate the winter spirit as much as we can to enrich our classrooms and homes.
Math, Seasons, Teaching Ideas & Inspiration

Winter Math Activities

With such a bizarrely warm winter, I find myself seriously missing unique snowflakes, curling up by a fireplace and cozying up in my favorite sweater.  Our kids are missing out on all the wonderful features of winter too!  So, let’s bring the winter spirit to them and incorporate it as much as we can to enrich our classrooms and homes.  Here is a list of winter math activities you must try! Frosty’s Estimation If you’ve started lessons on how to best estimate, this bulletin board is perfect.  Glue a bunch of cotton balls into the shape of a snowman and ask students to make their best estimate. Oh, and be sure to actually record how many cottonContinue reading

Math, Seasons, Teaching Ideas & Inspiration

Fun Fall Math Activities

Students learn best when they can connect what they are learning to their real life.  So, I’ve compiled a list of ways to connect the serene fall season to your math curriculum, in order to engage your students and get them excited to learn.  Many of these lessons can be adapted in their difficulty level in order to be suitable for various grades.  Take a look at these fun fall math activities.     Measurement Here is a great way to get students measuring with pumpkins!  What I love about this activity is that it has students estimating first, and then measuring using a variety of units. Geometry Here are some creative ways to incorporate your geometryContinue reading

Fostering Peer Collaboration, Games, Math

Probability Game Ideas – Have Fun With Math!

*This post contains affiliate links for convenient viewing* Kids love playing games in the classroom, and a probability unit is the perfect fit for incorporating fun in your math curriculum!  After introducing your class to the key concepts and terminology they’ll need to successfully discuss probability, try these probability game ideas out and have those concepts really become engrained in your students. This post is actually in celebration of my very first TPT product!  It’s a freebie of 4 recording & reflection sheets, for the following 4 games.  Please take a look.  I would love your support, so please follow my TPT profile, and rate my first product so I can improve.  Thanks! Carnival InspiredContinue reading

Centers, Games, Math

Division Games & Activities – Learning with Fun!

*This post contains affiliate links for convenient viewing* Students are always ready to play, aren’t they?  Why not use that passion to your advantage?  This is especially useful when dealing with curriculum topics that students may find difficult, such as math, and in this case: division.  Here are some division games that will have your students playing and learning! Division Jenga: Tape division equations on jenga blocks and have students solve each equation before they’re allowed to use the block.  You could make it even more beneficial by telling students they have to state the answers to all equations the block would be touching as well.  The same applies for when they remove a block.Continue reading


2D Shapes Lesson Ideas for Grade 3

*This post contains affiliate links for convenient viewing* Grade 3 students will have already had quite a bit of exposure to 2D shapes.  Most of them will only need a refresher before moving on to 3D shapes and other geometry lessons.  So, why not reinvigorate your students’ knowledge with some fun and exciting ways to approach 2D shapes.  Here are some classic, as well as some unique, ways to craft your 2D shapes lesson ideas for grade 3 :). Anchor Charts: First things first, you will need good anchor charts.  Some students have trouble remembering the names of shapes, so colorful anchor charts are key to their success.  Try these out:   Games: Just sayContinue reading

Math, Teaching Ideas & Inspiration

Teach Time – Lesson Ideas For Telling Time

*This post contains affiliate links for convenient viewing* Telling time is one of those things that is so practical, it’s all around us.  Here are some ways to empower your students; try out these how-to teach time lesson ideas: Make it personal: Like I said, telling time is all around us!  So, use it to your advantage and make your teaching personal.  My students always get excited when they can use their personal lives in their work.  I feel like it makes the learning more relevant!  Here is an idea I really liked: Create references: This is always helpful for students (and adults alike).  When your students are able to look around your classroom orContinue reading