Teaching point of view/perspective in narratives is one of my favorite units! After following these four steps, your students will be pros at identifying and describing points of view in various texts and also create unique perspective pieces. These 4 steps to effectively teach point of view are meant as a guideline, you can use and expand them to cover many more lessons. Take a look: 1. Define & Identify Start off by discussing point of view and who exactly is narrating the story. Are they speaking in the first person? Do they have abilities to know all sides of the story? Is their view limited? Some of these questions may be philosophical but your studentsContinue reading
Category: Reading
Teach Reading Strategies – All Students Need This!
I always (always!) start my year off with teaching reading strategies. This will help your students in everything they do throughout the rest of the year. Not only does it work miracles for their reading, but they can use these strategies across all subjects. Here is an overview on how to teach reading strategies: First things first: Download this super helpful reading strategies bookmark. This fun bookmark is the perfect tool for students doing independent reading! It directs them to use strategies when they are having difficulty with a text. When they’re done reading, it gives them post-reading strategy ideas! Choose from 5 different bookmark designs for students to decorate. Create Schema Connections: Students need toContinue reading
NonFiction Lesson Ideas for Primary Grades
*This post contains affiliate links for convenient viewing* By the end of the primary years, students should know all about nonfiction. They should be able to define nonfiction, identify text features and more. Here are some nonfiction lesson ideas for primary grades I have come across: Compare Fiction & Nonfiction: This goes without saying, students will learn better when they can compare concepts that they are already familiar with. A comparison between fiction and nonfiction will help them to better understand how to classify both genres. Here some ideas to try out: Anchor Charts: Worksheets: Focus on Text Features: Here, you want your students to be able to identify and define the text featuresContinue reading
Biography Unit Ideas for Primary Grades
By grade 4, students are expected to be able to conduct some research, organize ideas and use their knowledge to create various pieces of writing. What better way to facilitate these practices then by conducting a biography unit? Biographies offer students many benefits, some of which are gaining a new perspective on their own life, while being inspired by the works of others. Below are some biography unit ideas for primary grades. Before beginning this unit it is a good idea to have a discussion about fictions vs. non-fiction texts. As well as, discussing how to write an engaging story/biography. For reference, you can look into a story writing unit and learn more about nonfictionContinue reading