I’ve recently taken a little hiatus from a lot in life; but it’s for a good reason. My little family recently welcomed our 2nd precious little baby girl. While it’s been a rollercoaster of emotions and new experiences, it’s been a truly beautiful time. Through this experience, I learned many new things. Even though this is my second child, there were a lot of new experiences to be had and lessons to be learned. This post is dedicated to sharing just some of what I have come to know while welcoming baby #2 :). Labour & Delivery Remember this lovely experience? If you’ve been through it before, how can you not! My main lesson learned here is toContinue reading
Tag: children
5 Companies For Kids That You Should Know About
After becoming a mom, I realized that the world of toys and books is a vast one. I searched for products and companies that aimed to enrich my daughter’s learning experience in a unique way, and that’s when I stumbled upon these 5 companies for kids that every parent and teacher should know about! I hope you enjoy these fantastic companies as much as I did! 1. Raddish Provider of edible education! This is such an awesome concept! Raddish essentially provides children education through food and cooking. They currently offer 4 cooking kits, with experiences which include Art, Chemistry, & international cuisine. Their kits include recipe and creativity cards, table talk starters and more. What’s so greatContinue reading
Toy Organization Ideas (With A Minimalist Approach)
Last year I experienced a big move. My husband, daughter and I packed our bags and relocated to Delaware. Before that I was living with my inlaws. My daughter was still small and didn’t require too much stuff. A crib, changing table, stuffed animals and basket filled with shakers and plush toys were all she needed. However, once we moved things changed quite drastically. My daughter turned 1, began walking, became more alert and all around more demanding! What’s more, we had much more space to hold all of our trinkets. On came the toy buying. Now, I have never been one to accumulate stuff. I’ve always shopped as consciously as I could, and usually askContinue reading