Students learn best when they can connect what they are learning to their real life. So, I’ve compiled a list of ways to connect the serene fall season to your math curriculum, in order to engage your students and get them excited to learn. Many of these lessons can be adapted in their difficulty level in order to be suitable for various grades. Take a look at these fun fall math activities. Measurement Here is a great way to get students measuring with pumpkins! What I love about this activity is that it has students estimating first, and then measuring using a variety of units. Geometry Here are some creative ways to incorporate your geometryContinue reading
Tag: measurement
Teach Time – Lesson Ideas For Telling Time
*This post contains affiliate links for convenient viewing* Telling time is one of those things that is so practical, it’s all around us. Here are some ways to empower your students; try out these how-to teach time lesson ideas: Make it personal: Like I said, telling time is all around us! So, use it to your advantage and make your teaching personal. My students always get excited when they can use their personal lives in their work. I feel like it makes the learning more relevant! Here is an idea I really liked: Create references: This is always helpful for students (and adults alike). When your students are able to look around your classroom orContinue reading